Fibromyalgia Symptoms:
It's all about muscles!

Fibromyalgia symptoms are most often associated with muscle pain, but every fibromyalgia symptom arises from muscle cells unable to function normally. (You may have additional health issues and symptoms, too.) The pain you are experiencing--this is your muscles calling for help.

The mainstream medical community requires the following criteria in order to diagnose fibromyalgia:

11 of 18 fibromyalgia pressure points or trigger points (also known as tender points) are sensitive to 4 kg of pressure and located in all four quadrants of the body.

However, this does not tell you the cause of your fibromyalgia symptoms, does it? Keep reading.

Let us start with the definition of fibromyalgia:

'Fibro' is Latin for fiber.

'my' stands for muscle.

'algia' means pain.

Therefore, fibromyalgia means "Muscle Fiber Pain". This is a symptom, not a diagnosis.

If the doctor were to diagnose you with "Muscle Pain", would you respect him or her? You already know you have muscle pain, right? So, the medical community comes up with a fancy name so that you think they are really smart in their diagnosis.

Well, the truth is, your fibromyalgia pain is a result of muscle dysfunction.

I am privileged to provide you this information from an incredibly intelligent physician, Dr. Nasr , who has proven to be far ahead of his time. Dr. Nasr comprehends, down to the cellular level, exactly how to build a healthy muscle cell for a fibromyalgia treatment cure; he understands which nutrients are necessary for each function that a muscle cell has to complete in order to operate. Hence, his perception of the human body and knowledge of fibromyalgia supplements are profound.

Muscles are everywhere in your body. Maybe more than you realize. This is why there are so many fibromyalgia symptoms. Every symptom listed below relates to either a lack of nutrition or an increased demand for nutrition in the muscle cell.

There are, of course, muscles attached to your skeleton. These muscles make your body move. When muscles malfunction, you feel pain. This is your muscles calling out for help. The help your muscles need is nutrients, so they can function properly.

The insomnia you may be experiencing comes from the inability of your muscles to relax. It takes a balance of nutrients for your muscles to contract and relax.

When the muscles that make up your stomach and intestines don't function properly, this causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (there are also other causes of IBS, but muscle health is a factor for fibro patients).

When the heart muscle and muscles that push the blood through your arteries are not working correctly, you get angina (fibromyalgia chest pain).

When the muscles that are in your arteries do not work, this will cause a lack of circulation, compounding your nutrition deficiency, along with your fibromyalgia symptoms, throughout the body.

When your brain does not get the blood flow and nutrients it needs, you get brain fog (muddled thinking) and depression added to your fibro symptoms.

Here's how a migraine happens: When the muscles of your head are demanding nutrients, they call out to the brain for more blood flow. This is the point where you feel the migraine coming on. The brain then directs more blood to the area. However, either the muscles are so tensed up or the arteries leading to the muscles are in spasm (closed up), so that little or no blood gets through to answer the muscles' demands.

As the demand for nutrients increases, the blood is pumping to the area at a higher rate, but still not getting through to the muscles that demanded it. This is the throbbing sensation you feel with a headache or migraine. Does this make sense?

It all relates to the health of your muscle cells. These muscle malfunctions that make up your fibromyalgia symptoms boil down to two things: lack of nutrients or increased demand for nutrients.

Lack of nutrition happens not only because of your eating habits but also because our food supply today just does not contain the nutrition that it once had.

Poor nutrient content in our food is due to over farming, pesticide and hormone use, unnatural feed for livestock, selective fertilization (putting back in 3 nutrients instead of the numerous ones taken out) and genetic engineering. Add fast food and processed food to these factors and we are severely lacking nutrients in our food.

An increased demand for nutrition may occur from stress, either physical and/or mental. A virus, toxins, or wastes in the body can also increase your demand for nutrients, overburdening the immune system, causing fatigue and illness, as in the similar disease called chronic fatigue syndrome. Often if a person has fibromyalgia, he or she also struggles with fatigue.

Here is another example of an increased demand for nutrition: The levels of toxins we deal with in our industrialized society today are incredible! Just one moment that you are breathing in the exhaust from a bus contains more free radicals than a person 150 years ago was exposed to in a lifetime! This increases your need for antioxidants in order to counteract the free radicals and prevent cell damage.

Fibromyalgia symptoms often occur after a traumatic event or illness. This is an example of stress increasing your demand for nutrients.

Do you understand why it is so hard to receive the nutrients that your body needs from the food you eat? We have less quality nutrients in our diet coupled with an increased demand for nutrients in our stressful, chemical-filled world. This is why fibromyalgia supplements are necessary for your recovery.

You need to give your muscles the complete nutrition that they need to function properly. You will find that your pain can disappear quite rapidly. You will alleviate fibromyalgia symptoms by building healthy muscle cells. This is your first step to recovery.

Learn which vitamins and minerals are needed to find relief from fibromyalgia symptoms.

Home Page of Health Disclaimer: (It is sad that I have to add this; everything on this page is based on science and common sense.) These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any diseases. The information here is not provided by medical professionals (but I learned it from a medical professional!) and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician before beginning any course of treatment.