Free Fibro Help

To help you move forward in your search for better health, I offer a number of free services to serve you.

The Fibro Hope Messenger is a newsletter with new information each month about ways to boost your health, naturally. Sign up for my Newsletter here. You'll be able to experience the empowerment of health coaching first hand when you take my wildly successful Interactive Fibromyalgia E-course where you will learn about the 8 Proven Strategies for Living Free of Fibromyalgia while being prompted to take some small, simple steps toward a healthier you. Don't worry, this course is completely at your own pace.

Another way to uncover where you are now and where you could be with health coaching is to join a Free Teleclass which is a class that you take by phone, from the comfort of your own home. I do not have any free teleclasses scheduled, but you may request a 30 minute private session based on my teleclass in the Contact Me tab on the left.

I go through a Unique Interactive Exercise in this Free Teleclass or Sample Private Session to help you decide exactly where you need to make some changes in order to realize the better health you deserve.